Lately, we've been getting a common question from our clients and customers: "Why the heck do insurance rates seem to keep climbing quarter over quarter, year over year!?!" We assure you it's not our personal greed (as those of you who worked with us for a long time already know) and inflation just seems like a cop-out answer. We took the time to do some research to find out more in-depth answers to questions you've been asking us. Take a look:
Recent news has been saying the same thing in the industry for several different major insurance carriers. They're halting or stopping business is several states, areas, or markets. CBS News recently shared the following article titled "Another major insurer is halting new policy sales in California" and you can read the article here.
If this is happening in California? Where else is it happening? We can't say for certain, but it's our thought that if a business were to halt new sales, then they'd have to make up the profit loss from those sales elsewhere. In other words, they've got to Rob Peter to Pay Paul.
We're going to keep looking into this because we know the answer doesn't stop here and there's more to be investigated. Stay tuned as we continue sharing the latest news and details in the insurance industry that affect you, your families, and the properties you protect. Make sure to reach out or Contact Us if you've got more insurance questions or need to compare rates or policies. If you'd like us to take a good look over your current policy in Alabama, then you can Send Us A Copy of Your Policy by clicking here.
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